ƒ The Harris Family: July 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The dog days of summer are officially here

OK, folks, I'm going to vent (perhaps it's really whining) so if you're not interested in hearing me vent then just skip this post.

Well, it's July in Florida and only a few days away from August (which is the hottest and most uncomfortable month, in my opinion) and I've definitely got cabin fever. . . if I don't get out the door before 9:30 a.m. it's either (1) too hot to go out for an exercise walk with Vivi in the stroller, or (2) Vivi's already fallen asleep for Nap #1 of the day and I don't want to move her from her crib to the stroller. I'm managing to get out at least 2x a week for about 1.5 hrs of walking/exercising, and on the days when I don't get outside I try to do a floor routine indoors using an exercise tape for inspiration. But, I am starting to realize that I'm in desperate need of adult conversation on a regular basis. I love Vivi, but I sometimes feel bored being at home with her. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time on my hands to pick up any consulting work to do from home - she still requires a lot of time and attention, it takes a lot of effort to care for her and just manage to cook & clean some days. Hence, the lack of posts on the blog lately . . . Don't get me wrong, I love Viv and I love being at home with her, I just need a little connection to the outside world - other than a 5 min conversation with the guy that works the counter at the gym twice a week.

I'd go to Gainesville and visit but I'm feeling trapped by Viv's ability (read, lack thereof) to sleep well while away from home. . . and when the baby doesn't sleep well, I don't sleep well. . . and ultimately, I'd rather be bored and well rested at home than sleep deprived and entertained in Gainesville.

I know, Riv, I need a play group. Yes, folks you read that right, "I" need a play group. I'm sure it'll be great for Viv too, but I think it's more for me than for her at this point! So, I re-registered on Jacksonville Mommies and am going to get on the stick about participating in some functions. I initially registered before Vivi was born and didn't feel the need to participate in any chats or discussion groups, so my account was locked out for inactivity . . . hopefully, I'll find some other half-crazed moms that I can enjoy spending a little time with and make some new friends.

I'll keep you all posted on how it goes . . . wish me luck!

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